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Neon Biblical January 28, 2007

Posted by alexd in Album News, Music, Pop.

Rockin’ my world right now is some of the leaked Arcade Fire Stuff. The quality isn’t amazing (at 128kbps) but it will only make buying the CD all the more worth it. The songs on the other hand are fantastic. Hype aside, this song could cause religious conversion. One of the only downsides so far is that not all of the music is completely new. In fact “Intervention” and “No Cars Go” where around before Funeral, just minus the choir and ridiculous baroque organ. Strangely though my favourite song of Neon Bible is “No Cars Go”, and yet I still enjoy the EP version more, because of the synthy keys. My second favourite is the albums slower placed finale, the rousing but subdued “My Body Is A Cage”. You may have notices that the whole album is awash with religious overtone. Which make a change from most rock music doesn’t it? And with Marilyn Manson recording a new album, it will be interesting to see who sells more, it could be close.

P.S If anyone has any spare tickets to Brixton, their could be unreciprocated blow jobs involved.

Preorder the album here. Its coming out on March 5th arcade fire- neon  bible

Download: Arcade Fire- My Body Is A Cage

Download: Arcade Fire- No Cars Go (album version)

Download: Arcade Fire- No Cars Go (EP version)

Website: arcadefire.com

Myspace: They only recently joined so need a few more friends

Buzzband: Of Montreal January 20, 2007

Posted by alexd in Buzz band, Music, Video.
1 comment so far

Having found a slot of time in between being distracted by exams I tell you this. This is my favourite song of the year. Not particularly cool though as its they’re one of the most talked about bands on elbo.ws, plus also enjoyed by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah fans that have no ears. Initially it passed me by, odd squeaky vocals over that jarring super delay. But the chorus! A prechorus that makes you believe in keyboards again and a gloriously poppy break beat chorus. The video will help you make more sense of it.

Of Montreal: Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse

Well not really. But that what you get when you get the homestarrunners to direct for you, while you prance around in white lycra. I hope to start posting more regularly, and more obscurely once these nasty exams are over. Toodles!

Download: Of Monreal- Heimdalsgate Like  A Promethean Curse [highly recommended]

Website: ofmontreal.net

Myspace: Of Montreal have the entire population of Burnley as friends

Is 2007 amazing! Its a world away from smelly old 2006! January 5, 2007

Posted by alexd in Comedy, Music, Unheard Artist.

Sarcasm… Hope your various winter celebrations were good. Your doing better than 99% of the planet. Once again I shall apologise for not updating since the dawn of time. My computer went all Mariah Carey on me, if you must know. Anyway here’s some music to validate your life.

Misty’s Big Adventure- Fashion Parade

Basically a quick and dirty pop song that rips it out of nearly every successful indie band in the UK. Bravely sacrificing the chance of them ever appearing on NME’s dog eared cover. You will love it.

Minus points for the kitch Noddy Holden cameo.

Download: Misty’s Big Adventure- Fashion Parade

Website: mistysbigadventure.co.uk

Myspace: Misty’s Big Adventure are fairly popular but no Fall Out Boy

Please look forward for sporadic updates of amazing music.

Here are some links to keep you busy:

Oh and why not?

Charlotte Hatherly- Behave

Check out the beautifully animated video.

Expect me to post further due to loving her other stuff, and an upcoming second album.

coolest riff of ’07? All 5 days of it. Catchy though, still in my head.

Website: charlottehatherley.com